Unshakable Trading Confidence | Stocks for Breakfast

Today's episode of Stocks for Breakfast is a special one, because it comes from you. I'm giving you the answer to the one question we all seek.

One theme that came up over and over was confidence. A key stock trading frustration for many is trading confidence. "How do I trade confidently?"

Today's trading education has your answer. There's essentially three stages of trader development. Each stage has different goals that come with different trading challenges.

Today I show you how to have unshakable confidence that leads to a consistent, predictable growth in your trading account.

Today is the last day to enter the 30 day boot camp challenge. We received some amazing entries. Some people poured their heart and soul into the emails. We plan to announce the winner this evening.

Have a great day.

trading boot camp join green gif
Pete Renzulli
