WMT Walmart’s stock explodes 7 Percent | Best Stock Picks Today 7-8-20

Best Stock Picks Today 7-8-20

Trading Game Plan for Wednesday

WMT Walmart’s stock explodes 7% on report of competing with Amazon Prime.

The new service called Walmart Plus is expected to launch July 2020.

We outline two new trade setups for WMT one as a swing trade and the next profit target and one as an investment.

BBBY Bed Bath and Beyond has earnings scheduled today. We continue to have momentum stocks to trade today that include NIO stock, INO stocks and NVAX stock.

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FB stock (Facebook) finally broke through and closed above the 240 level, I'm adding the is stock to my trading game plan for a new swing trade to all-time highs.

We also have clean breakout trade in a gold mining stock. At the top of my list of stocks to buy today is TAL. I'm looking for a lower open and a test of the previous high.

DOCU stock has been very good for us and appears ready to trade above 200 which could catapult the stock price to 250.

In total we review over 15 stocks to buy today.

trading boot camp
Pete Renzulli
